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Matches in DBpedia 2014 for { ?s ?p Flower, the matriarch of the Whiskers meerkat group, brings her three-week old pups above ground for the first time. One of Flower's oldest daughters, Tosca, is pregnant. While the Whiskers are out foraging, Flower's teenage pups, led by Kinkajou, grab Mitch and take him from the babysitting burrow to play. When they get bored, they abandon Mitch in the desert, but he is found by his older brother Shakespeare who carries him home. Three days later, the Whiskers are out foraging when they come upon a puff adder in one of their bolt holes. During the futile battle to remove the snake, Shakespeare is bitten on his face and thigh and, unable to keep up with the foraging group, must limp his way home alone.. }

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