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Matches in DBpedia 2014 for { ?s ?p The Kahnawake Gaming Commission is a gaming regulatory body that licenses and regulates a large number of online casinos, online poker rooms and online sportsbook sites, as well as three land-based poker rooms that are situated within the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake.The Commission was first established in 1996 pursuant to the Kahnawake Gaming Law enacted by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake. The Commission's Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming were first enacted in July, 1999.The permits issued by the Commission to online gaming operators are called Client Provider Authorizations. The Commission charges an initial application fee for a Client Provider Authorization of US$25,000, plus an application fee of US$5,000 for each Key Person Licence. Application fees include the cost of the first annual fee for both Client Provider Authorizations and Key Person Licences and are refundable if an application is not granted.. }

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