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Matches in DBpedia 2014 for { ?s ?p E.PA.M (United Popular Front - Alternate Translation: United People's Front (Greek: Ενιαίο Παλλαϊκό Μέτωπο, ) is a Greek political party founded in July 2011 by citizens who participated in the Indignant Citizens Movement and the anti-austerity demonstrations which accompanied the World Financial Crisis (2008 – still going) hitting especially hard on Greece as one of the first countries effected. E.PA.M. participated in the legislative elections of May 2012 as party of the coalition of "NO" with the Democratic Revival and gained 0.9%.Having started as a citizens movement in July 2011, the first and founding congress of the party was held on April 8, 2012 and decided the founding declaration and the participation in the parliamentary elections of May 2012.. }

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