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Matches in DBpedia 2014 for { ?s ?p Salah Abdulla Nooruddin Nooruddin (born 1963) is the chairman of Leeds United Football Club.Bahraini-based businessman Salah Nooruddin, CEO of Envest Limited, initially bought a 3.33% stake in LUFC Holding Limited following the takeover of Leeds United by GFH Capital - an Islamic investment bank with headquarters in Bahrain. Nooruddin was initially appointed vice-chairman on 21 May 2013 but following the end of Ken Bates' tenure as chairman Nooruddin became chairman on 1 July 2013. It was later revealed that he had increased his stake in the club to 10%.Nooruddin has been derided by Leeds fans, often referred to as "Mr Noodles" ,"Noodlemachine" or "Noodleman".. }

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