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DBpedia 2014

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Matches in DBpedia 2014 for { ?s ?p The Ultimate Research Assistant is an Internet search engine and research tool using text mining and multi-document summarization techniques to generate a hypertext summary of relevant content contained in the underlying documents returned by the search engine. It is based on research conducted by Andy Hoskinson and published in the IEEE Computer journal in November 2005. Essentially, the Ultimate Research Assistant tool automates the process of analyzing search results, extracting and compiling relevant data, performing related searches, and organizing the knowledge contained in the dozens of relevant pages the typical search engine returns. The Ultimate Research Assistant works in the following way: Return search results from Google, Yahoo, or other search engine for a given search term/topic; Mine "concepts" (keyphrases) and associated text summaries from the underlying search result documents using an information extraction engine; Organize the concepts and associated text summaries into a taxonomy using a clustering engine; Generate a "hypertext knowledge base" (essentially, a multi-document summary) from the taxonomy. This knowledge base includes several visualizations including tag clouds, histograms showing concept popularity and a mind map view.Aside from general research and web searching, practical applications of the Ultimate Research Assistant include: Use as a copywriting tool in search engine optimization efforts. A research tool in creating web-based CCS (clinical case simulations) and PBL (problem-based learning) tutorials in medical biochemistry. Use as an online intelligent knowledge base to facilitate operations of An intelligent web-based voice chat bot. Use as a modern literacy tool in education.↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑. }

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