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Matches in DBpedia 2014 for { ?s ?p The algebraic stress model arises in computational fluid dynamics. Two main approaches can be undertaken. In the first, the transport of the turbulent stresses is assumed proportional to the turbulent kinetic energy; while in the second, convective and diffusive effects are assumed to be negligible. Algebraic stress models can only be used where convective and diffusive fluxes are negligible, i.e. source dominated flows. In order to simplify the existing EASM and to achieve an efficient numerical implementation the underlying tensor basis plays an important role. The five-term tensor basis that is introduced here tries to combine an optimum of accuracy of the complete basis with the advantages of a pure 2d concept. Therefor a suitable five-term basis is identified. Based on that the new model is designed and validated in combination with different eddy-viscosity type background models.. }

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