Matches in DBpedia 2014 for { ?s <> ?o. }
- Abramovite twinning "Lamellar on {100}".
- Acanthite twinning "Polysynthetic on {111}, may be very complex due to inversion; contact on {101}".
- Actinolite twinning "simple or lamellar".
- Acuminite twinning "Contact on {100}".
- Aegirine twinning "Simple and lamellar twinning common on {100}".
- Aenigmatite twinning "Complex by rotation perpendicular to or about [010] of the pseudomonoclinic cell; polysynthetic".
- Alabandite twinning "Lamellar".
- Albite twinning "Coomon giving polysynthetic striae on {001} or {010}also contact, simple and multiple".
- Allanite twinning "Polysynthetic, common on {100}".
- Alstonite twinning "Common on pseudo-orthorhombic {10} and {310}".
- Alum-(K) twinning "Rare on {111}".
- Alunogen twinning "On {010}".
- Amblygonite twinning "Microscopic polysynthetic twinning common".
- Amesite twinning "Common as six-fold sector twins on {001} and polysynthetic twins parallel to {010}".
- Amethyst twinning "Dauphine law, Brazil law, and Japan law".
- Amicite twinning "none".
- Analcime twinning "Polysynthetic on [001], [110]".
- Anatase twinning "Rare on {112}".
- Andalusite twinning "On {101}, rare".
- Andesine twinning "Common following albite, pericline, and carlsbad twin laws".
- Andorite twinning "On {110}".
- Ankerite twinning "Simple twins on {0001}, {100}. {110}".
- Annite twinning "contact twins with composition surface on {001} and twin axis {310}".
- Anorthite twinning "Common".
- Anorthoclase twinning "Polysynthetic twinning produces a grid pattern on [100]".
- Aphthitalite twinning "On {0001} or repeated on {110}".
- Apophyllite-(KF) twinning "Rare on {111}".
- Aragonite twinning "Polysynthetic parallel to {100} cyclically on {110}".
- Arcanite twinning "Cyclic on {110}".
- Arfvedsonite twinning "Simple or lamellar parallel to [100]".
- Argutite twinning "Occasionally twinned on {101}".
- Argyrodite twinning "Pseudospinel law {111} penetration twins".
- Arsenopyrite twinning "Common on {100} and {001}, contact/penetration twinning on {101}".
- Atacamite twinning "Contact and penetration with complex twinned groupings".
- Augite twinning "Simple or multiple on {100} and {001}".
- Aurichalcite twinning "Observed in X-ray patterns".
- Austinite twinning "Left- and right-handed individuals joined on {100}, with {010} and {001} coincident.".
- Autunite twinning "Rare on {110}".
- Azurite twinning "Rare, twin planes 01".
- Baddeleyite twinning "Ubiquitous polysynthetic on {100} and {110}".
- Bararite twinning "interpenetration twins , axis parallel to {0001}".
- Bassanite twinning "Twin plane {101}".
- Bastnäsite twinning "Dauphine law, Brazil law and Japan law".
- Baumhauerite twinning "Polysynthetic, on [100]".
- Benitoite twinning "On {0001} by rotation".
- Beraunite twinning "On {100}, may be interpenetrant".
- Berborite twinning "Complex".
- Berlinite twinning "Subparallel lamellae".
- Bertrandite twinning "Common on {011} or {021} forming heart or V shaped twins".
- Beryl twinning "Rare".
- Beryllonite twinning "polysynthetic, contact and penetration twins; pseudo-hexagonal stellate forms".
- Biotite twinning "Common on the [310],".
- Biotite twinning "less common on the {001}".
- Bischofite twinning "polysynthetic".
- Bismutite twinning "pseudo-merohedral twinning simulates tetragonal symmetry".
- Bixbyite twinning "On {111}, as penetration twins".
- Boracite twinning "Rarely as penetration twins".
- Bornite twinning "Penetration twins on [111]".
- Bournonite twinning "On {110}, commonly forming cross or cogwheel aggregates".
- Braggite twinning "Rarely observed".
- Breithauptite twinning "Twin plane {101}".
- Brokenhillite twinning "N/A".
- Brookite twinning "On {120}, uncertain".
- Bultfonteinite twinning "Interpenetrating on {100} and {010}; polysynthetic".
- Bunsenite twinning "Observed".
- Bursaite twinning "Lamellar twinning on , sometimes plane".
- Bustamite twinning "Rare. Simple twins with as the composition plane".
- Bytownite twinning "Common Albite, Carlsbad, and Pericline twinning".
- Calaverite twinning "Common on [110]".
- Calcite twinning "Common by four twin laws".
- Campigliaite twinning "Polysynthetic, with {100} as twin plane, ubiquitous".
- Cancrinite twinning "Rare - lamellar".
- Carnallite twinning "By pressure, polysynthetic twin lamellae can be developed".
- Carnotite twinning "On {001} as both twin and composition plane".
- Carpholite twinning "On {100}".
- Carrollite twinning "{111} Polysynthetic or spinel twins".
- Cassiterite twinning "Very common on {011}, as contact and penetration twins, geniculated; lamellar".
- Celsian twinning "Manebach twins on , baveno twins , rare lamellar twinning".
- Cerussite twinning "Simple or cyclic contact twins".
- Cesanite twinning "On {100}".
- Chalcanthite twinning "Rare as cruciform twins".
- Chalcocite twinning "Common on {110} yielding pseudohexagonal stellate forms".
- Chalcophyllite twinning "On {1010} as twin plane.".
- Chalcopyrite twinning "Penetration twins".
- Chambersite twinning "Rare as interpenetration twins on [111]".
- Chloritoid twinning "Common on {001}, polysynthetic may be lamellar".
- Chondrodite twinning "Simple or multiple twinning common on {001}, also reported on {105} and {305}.".
- Chrisstanleyite twinning "Fine polysynthetic and parquetlike".
- Chromite twinning "Spinel law on {1ll}".
- Chrysoberyl twinning "Contact and penetration twins common, often repeated forming rosette structures".
- Cinnabar twinning "Simple contact twins, twin plane {0001}".
- Claudetite twinning "Contact or penetration on {100}".
- Cleusonite twinning "fine twinning".
- Clinohumite twinning "Simple, lamellar common on {100}".
- Clinozoisite twinning "Lamellar on {100} uncommon".
- Clintonite twinning "Spiral polysynthetic twinning".
- Cobaltite twinning "About [111] creating pseudo-cubic forms and striations".
- Conichalcite twinning "Rare on {001}".
- Copiapite twinning "Contact twins".
- Cordierite twinning "Common on {110}, {130}, simple, lamellar, cyclical".