Matches in DBpedia 2014 for { <ópezite> ?p ?o. }
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with 100 items per page.
- Lópezite abstract "Lopezite is a rare red chromate mineral with chemical formula: K2Cr2O7. It crystallizes in the triclinic crystal system.It occurs as rare vug fillings in nitrate ores in association with tarapacáite (K2CrO4), dietzeite and ulexite in the Chilean Atacama and is reported from the Bushveld igneous complex of South Africa. Lopezite was first described in 1937 for an occurrence in Iquique Province, Chile and named for Chilean mining engineer Emiliano López Saa (1871–1959).Most lopezite offered for sale to collectors is artificially produced. Synthetic varieties also exhibit monoclinic crystals.".
- Lópezite thumbnail Postassium_dichromate.JPG?width=300.
- Lópezite wikiPageID "13659870".
- Lópezite wikiPageRevisionID "575714903".
- Lópezite caption "Lopezite".
- Lópezite category Sulfate_minerals.
- Lópezite cleavage "Perfect".
- Lópezite cleavage "[010] perfect, [100] distinct, [001] distinct".
- Lópezite color "Orange-red, red".
- Lópezite density "2.69".
- Lópezite diaphaneity "Transparent".
- Lópezite formula "K2Cr2O7".
- Lópezite imagesize "250".
- Lópezite luster "Vitreous".
- Lópezite mohs "2".
- Lópezite name "Lopezite".
- Lópezite streak "Light yellow".
- Lópezite strunz "7".
- Lópezite system Triclinic_crystal_system.
- Lópezite subject Category:Chromate_minerals.
- Lópezite subject Category:Potassium_minerals.
- Lópezite subject Category:Triclinic_minerals.
- Lópezite type ChemicalSubstance.
- Lópezite type Mineral.
- Lópezite type ChemicalObject.
- Lópezite type Thing.
- Lópezite comment "Lopezite is a rare red chromate mineral with chemical formula: K2Cr2O7. It crystallizes in the triclinic crystal system.It occurs as rare vug fillings in nitrate ores in association with tarapacáite (K2CrO4), dietzeite and ulexite in the Chilean Atacama and is reported from the Bushveld igneous complex of South Africa.".
- Lópezite label "Lopeziet".
- Lópezite label "Lopezita".
- Lópezite label "Lopezyt".
- Lópezite label "Lopézite".
- Lópezite label "Lópezite".
- Lópezite label "Lópezite".
- Lópezite sameAs L%C3%B3pezite.
- Lópezite sameAs Lopezita.
- Lópezite sameAs Lopézite.
- Lópezite sameAs Lópezite.
- Lópezite sameAs Lopeziet.
- Lópezite sameAs Lopezyt.
- Lópezite sameAs Q2000743.
- Lópezite sameAs Q2000743.
- Lópezite wasDerivedFrom Lópezite?oldid=575714903.
- Lópezite depiction Postassium_dichromate.JPG.