Matches in ESWC 2020 for { ?s ?p ?o. }
- en type Organisation.
- en name "Vrije University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands".
- en name "Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam".
- Workshop type Workshop.
- Workshop isSubEventOf Conference.
- Workshop label "Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic web (WHiSe III)".
- Workshop description "The WHiSe workshop series aims at strengthening communication between scholars in the Digital Humanities and Semantic Web communities. It debuted at ESWC 2016 and remained co-located with the largest international conferences in Semantic Web research, resulting in 23 published papers across two proceedings volumes. Many of these papers have presented mature technologies, adoption stories and contributions to a harmonic ecosystem for Semantic data-intensive technologies in the Humanities. WHiSe III continues the tradition and also explores the potential for novel SW questions emerging from the needs of humanists and a reflection on their processes.".
- Workshop hasSubEvent Welcome.
- Workshop hasSubEvent Sesion1.
- Workshop hasSubEvent Keynote.
- Workshop hasSubEvent Session2.
- Workshop hasSubEvent Session3.
- Workshop day Day.Tuesday.
- Conference type Conference.
- Conference label "ESWC 2020".
- Conference description "The ESWC is a major venue for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies. Building on its past success, ESWC is seeking to broaden its focus to span other relevant related research areas in which Web semantics plays an important role.".
- Conference startDate "2020-05-31T09:00:00.000+02:00".
- Conference endDate "2020-06-04:15:00:00.000+02:00".
- Conference tracksInclude Track.wsandtut.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.In-Use%20Track.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Social%20and%20Human.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.NLP%20and%20IR.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.SDM%20and%20DI.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Security,%20Privacy,%20Licensing%20and%20Trust.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Knowledge%20Graphs.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Science%20of%20Science.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Ontologies%20and%20Reasoning.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Resources%20Track.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Machine%20Learning.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Integration,%20Services%20and%20APIs.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.Distribution%20and%20Decentralization.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.eswc2020.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.phdsym.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.postersdemos.
- Conference tracksInclude Track.industry.
- Conference submissions b0_g925.
- Conference proceedings b0_g1181.
- Conference hasSite Aldemar_Knossos_Royal.
- Conference days b0_g0.
- Welcome type Session.
- Welcome label "Welcome and introduction".
- Welcome startDate "2020-06-02T09:00:00.000+02:00".
- Welcome endDate "2020-06-02T09:20:00.000+02:00".
- Keynote type Session.
- Keynote label "Keynote: The Semantic Web in Digital Humanities Ecosystems".
- Keynote startDate "2020-06-02T11:30:00.000+02:00".
- Keynote endDate "2020-06-02T13:00:00.000+02:00".
- Session2 type Session.
- Session2 label "Session 2 − Social History".
- Session2 startDate "2020-06-02T14:00:00.000+02:00".
- Session2 endDate "2020-06-02T15:30:00.000+02:00".
- Session3 type Session.
- Session3 label "Session 3: Language".
- Session3 startDate "2020-06-02T16:00:00.000+02:00".
- Session3 endDate "2020-06-02T17:00:00.000+02:00".
- day type ObjectProperty.
- day label "Day of Event".
- day domain Event.
- day range Day.
- Day.Tuesday type Day.
- Day.Tuesday label "Tuesday".
- Adamou type Person.
- Adamou givenName "Alessandro".
- Adamou familyName "Adamou".
- Adamou holdsRole Organizer.
- Adamou hasAffiliation DSI.
- Organizer type OrganisationalRoleDuringEvent.
- Organizer during Workshop.
- Organizer withRole workshop-organiser.
- DSI type AffiliationDuringEvent.
- DSI during Workshop.
- DSI withOrganization
- Daga type Person.
- Daga givenName "Enrico".
- Daga familyName "Daga".
- Daga holdsRole Organizer.
- Daga hasAffiliation OU.
- OU type AffiliationDuringEvent.
- OU during Workshop.
- OU withOrganization
- Merono type Person.
- Merono givenName "Albert".
- Merono familyName "Meroño-Peñuela".
- Merono holdsRole Organizer.
- Merono hasAffiliation VU.
- VU type AffiliationDuringEvent.
- VU during Workshop.
- VU withOrganization en.
- type Organisation.
- name "Data Science Institute, NUI Galway".
- type Organisation.
- name "The Open University".
- Session1 type Session.
- Session1 label "Session 1: Linked Data and Libraries".
- Session1 startDate "2020-06-02T09:20:00.000+02:00".
- Session1 endDate "2020-06-02T11:00:00.000+02:00".
- Workshop type Workshop.
- Workshop isSubEventOf Conference.
- Workshop label "Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics LASCAR II".
- Workshop description "The second workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics (LASCAR) invites papers and posters related to the challenges and solutions to deal with the enormous growth of linked data. LASCAR targets the advancements in large scale and distributed processing for the semantic web technologies. We will particularly welcome research efforts exploring the use of generic big data frameworks like Apache Spark, Apache Flink, or specialized libraries like Giraph, Tinkerpop, SparkSQL etc. in Semantic Web technologies. The goal is to demonstrate the use of existing frameworks and libraries to exploit Knowledge Graph processing and to discuss the solutions to the challenges and issues arising therein. Moreover, we will organize a related talk by an expert speaker, and also arrange a panel discussion among experts and scientists working in the area of distributed semantic analytics. LASCAR targets a range of research topics covering large scale processing of Knowledge Graphs, like querying, inference, and analytics, therefore we expect a wider audience interested in attending the workshop.".