Matches in WordNet 3.1 for { <> ?p ?o. }
Showing items 1 to 93 of
with 100 items per page.
- 100031563-n gloss "any number of entities (members) considered as a unit".
- 100031563-n hypernym 100002137-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107922669-N.
- 100031563-n hyponym 102475618-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107955013-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107955399-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107956688-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107957410-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107957969-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107958392-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107967506-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107968050-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107976007-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107976273-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107983996-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 107984596-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108006819-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108012591-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108017525-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108169654-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108177175-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108195659-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108197108-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108323595-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108347441-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108452398-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 108475515-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 114608290-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 114648921-n.
- 100031563-n hyponym 114928812-n.
- 100031563-n instance_hyponym 109315657-n.
- 100031563-n lexical_domain noun.tops.
- 100031563-n part_of_speech noun.
- 100031563-n synset_member group-n.
- 100031563-n synset_member grouping-n.
- 100031563-n translation "agrupació".
- 100031563-n translation "agrupación".
- 100031563-n translation "agrupación".
- 100031563-n translation "agrupação".
- 100031563-n translation "blok".
- 100031563-n translation "blok".
- 100031563-n translation "colectivo".
- 100031563-n translation "colectivo".
- 100031563-n translation "col·lectiu".
- 100031563-n translation "conjunto".
- 100031563-n translation "ensemble".
- 100031563-n translation "golongan".
- 100031563-n translation "golongan".
- 100031563-n translation "groupe".
- 100031563-n translation "groupement".
- 100031563-n translation "grup".
- 100031563-n translation "grup".
- 100031563-n translation "grupa".
- 100031563-n translation "grupim".
- 100031563-n translation "grupo".
- 100031563-n translation "grupo".
- 100031563-n translation "grupo".
- 100031563-n translation "gruppo".
- 100031563-n translation "joukko".
- 100031563-n translation "kumpulan".
- 100031563-n translation "kumpulan".
- 100031563-n translation "novero".
- 100031563-n translation "ryhmittymä".
- 100031563-n translation "ryhmä".
- 100031563-n translation "talde".
- 100031563-n translation "zbiór".
- 100031563-n translation "קְבוּצָה".
- 100031563-n translation "تَجْمِيع".
- 100031563-n translation "جَمَاعَة".
- 100031563-n translation "زُمْرَة".
- 100031563-n translation "مَجْمُوع".
- 100031563-n translation "مَجْمُوعَة".
- 100031563-n translation "กรุป".
- 100031563-n translation "กลุ่ม".
- 100031563-n translation "พวก".
- 100031563-n translation "หมู่".
- 100031563-n translation "เหล่า".
- 100031563-n translation "グループ".
- 100031563-n translation "團".
- 100031563-n translation "大我".
- 100031563-n translation "小組".
- 100031563-n translation "族".
- 100031563-n translation "班".
- 100031563-n translation "組".
- 100031563-n translation "群".
- 100031563-n translation "集まり".
- 100031563-n translation "集り".
- 100031563-n translation "集團".
- 100031563-n type Synset.
- 100031563-n label "group".
- 100031563-n label "grouping".
- 100031563-n sameAs WN_Synset_44.
- 100031563-n sameAs synset-group-noun-1.