Matches in WordNet 3.1 for { <> ?p ?o. }
- 200919743-V gloss "make a prediction about; tell in advance".
- 200919743-V hypernym 200918880-v.
- 200919743-V hyponym 200628728-v.
- 200919743-V hyponym 200919622-v.
- 200919743-V hyponym 200920442-v.
- 200919743-V hyponym 200920551-v.
- 200919743-V hyponym 200928443-v.
- 200919743-V hyponym 200928673-v.
- 200919743-V lexical_domain verb.communication.
- 200919743-V part_of_speech verb.
- 200919743-V sample "Call the outcome of an election".
- 200919743-V synset_member anticipate-v.
- 200919743-V synset_member call-v.
- 200919743-V synset_member forebode-v.
- 200919743-V synset_member foretell-v.
- 200919743-V synset_member predict-v.
- 200919743-V synset_member prognosticate-v.
- 200919743-V synset_member promise-v.
- 200919743-V translation "aavistaa".
- 200919743-V translation "adivinhar".
- 200919743-V translation "ane".
- 200919743-V translation "ane".
- 200919743-V translation "annunciare".
- 200919743-V translation "annunziare".
- 200919743-V translation "anticipere".
- 200919743-V translation "arvioida".
- 200919743-V translation "berantisipasi".
- 200919743-V translation "berseru".
- 200919743-V translation "berseru".
- 200919743-V translation "dijangka".
- 200919743-V translation "dijangka".
- 200919743-V translation "ennustaa".
- 200919743-V translation "enteillä".
- 200919743-V translation "forudse".
- 200919743-V translation "forutse".
- 200919743-V translation "føresjå".
- 200919743-V translation "indovinare".
- 200919743-V translation "memanggil".
- 200919743-V translation "membahasakan".
- 200919743-V translation "memprediksikan".
- 200919743-V translation "menamai".
- 200919743-V translation "menamai".
- 200919743-V translation "menamakan".
- 200919743-V translation "menduga".
- 200919743-V translation "menduga".
- 200919743-V translation "menelah".
- 200919743-V translation "menelah".
- 200919743-V translation "mengadimkan".
- 200919743-V translation "mengagak".
- 200919743-V translation "mengantisipasikan".
- 200919743-V translation "mengikrarkan".
- 200919743-V translation "mengira".
- 200919743-V translation "mengira".
- 200919743-V translation "menjangka".
- 200919743-V translation "menjangkakan".
- 200919743-V translation "menyebut".
- 200919743-V translation "menyebut".
- 200919743-V translation "menyerukan".
- 200919743-V translation "menyerukan".
- 200919743-V translation "meramal".
- 200919743-V translation "meramal".
- 200919743-V translation "meramalkan".
- 200919743-V translation "meramalkan".
- 200919743-V translation "olettaa".
- 200919743-V translation "predecir".
- 200919743-V translation "predir".
- 200919743-V translation "predire".
- 200919743-V translation "predizer".
- 200919743-V translation "presagire".
- 200919743-V translation "pressentir".
- 200919743-V translation "prever".
- 200919743-V translation "prever".
- 200919743-V translation "preveure".
- 200919743-V translation "profetoida".
- 200919743-V translation "prognosticar".
- 200919743-V translation "prognosticare".
- 200919743-V translation "pronosticar".
- 200919743-V translation "pronosticare".
- 200919743-V translation "prédire".
- 200919743-V translation "ramalkan".
- 200919743-V translation "ramalkan".
- 200919743-V translation "sjå på førehand".
- 200919743-V translation "spå".
- 200919743-V translation "spå".
- 200919743-V translation "spå".
- 200919743-V translation "vaticiner".
- 200919743-V translation "قول دادن".
- 200919743-V translation "پیش گویی کردن".
- 200919743-V translation "คาดการณ์".
- 200919743-V translation "ทาย".
- 200919743-V translation "ทำนาย".
- 200919743-V translation "พยากรณ์".
- 200919743-V translation "สังหรณ์ใจ".
- 200919743-V translation "予想+する".
- 200919743-V translation "予期+する".
- 200919743-V translation "予測+する".
- 200919743-V translation "予言+する".
- 200919743-V translation "先見+する".
- 200919743-V translation "前知+する".
- 200919743-V translation "測".