Matches in WordNet 3.1 for { <> ?p ?o. }
- 201110559-V gloss "win a victory over".
- 201110559-V hyponym 201085766-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201104324-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201105591-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201105747-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201105870-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201106104-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201111362-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201111498-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201112055-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 201116721-v.
- 201110559-V hyponym 202626004-v.
- 201110559-V lexical_domain verb.competition.
- 201110559-V part_of_speech verb.
- 201110559-V sample "He overcame his infirmity".
- 201110559-V sample "He overcame his shyness".
- 201110559-V sample "Her anger got the better of her and she blew up".
- 201110559-V sample "You must overcome all difficulties".
- 201110559-V sample "defeat your enemies".
- 201110559-V synset_member defeat-v.
- 201110559-V synset_member get+the+better+of-v.
- 201110559-V synset_member overcome-v.
- 201110559-V translation "avoir raison de".
- 201110559-V translation "battere".
- 201110559-V translation "debellare".
- 201110559-V translation "derrotar".
- 201110559-V translation "derrotar".
- 201110559-V translation "derrotar".
- 201110559-V translation "derrotar".
- 201110559-V translation "dominer".
- 201110559-V translation "lyödä".
- 201110559-V translation "melalap".
- 201110559-V translation "melalap".
- 201110559-V translation "melampaui".
- 201110559-V translation "melampaui".
- 201110559-V translation "memenangi".
- 201110559-V translation "memenangi".
- 201110559-V translation "memukul".
- 201110559-V translation "memukul".
- 201110559-V translation "mencukur".
- 201110559-V translation "mencukur".
- 201110559-V translation "menewaskan".
- 201110559-V translation "menewaskan".
- 201110559-V translation "mengalahkan".
- 201110559-V translation "mengalahkan".
- 201110559-V translation "mengatasi".
- 201110559-V translation "mengatasi".
- 201110559-V translation "menggulung".
- 201110559-V translation "menggulung".
- 201110559-V translation "menguasai".
- 201110559-V translation "menguasai".
- 201110559-V translation "menundukkan".
- 201110559-V translation "menundukkan".
- 201110559-V translation "päihittää".
- 201110559-V translation "recuperar-se".
- 201110559-V translation "recuperarse".
- 201110559-V translation "sconfiggere".
- 201110559-V translation "superado".
- 201110559-V translation "superar".
- 201110559-V translation "superar".
- 201110559-V translation "superar".
- 201110559-V translation "superar".
- 201110559-V translation "superare".
- 201110559-V translation "surmonter".
- 201110559-V translation "terlampaui".
- 201110559-V translation "vaincre".
- 201110559-V translation "vencer".
- 201110559-V translation "vencer".
- 201110559-V translation "vencer".
- 201110559-V translation "venir à bout".
- 201110559-V translation "vincere".
- 201110559-V translation "voittaa".
- 201110559-V translation "vèncer".
- 201110559-V translation "גָּבַר".
- 201110559-V translation "הִתְגַּבֵּר".
- 201110559-V translation "تَجَاوَزَ".
- 201110559-V translation "تَغَلَّب على".
- 201110559-V translation "مغلوب ساختن".
- 201110559-V translation "هَزَمَ".
- 201110559-V translation "เอาชนะ".
- 201110559-V translation "仆す".
- 201110559-V translation "倒す".
- 201110559-V translation "克する".
- 201110559-V translation "克つ".
- 201110559-V translation "剋する".
- 201110559-V translation "勝つ".
- 201110559-V translation "打ち倒す".
- 201110559-V translation "打ち克つ".
- 201110559-V translation "打ち勝つ".
- 201110559-V translation "打ち負かす".
- 201110559-V translation "打倒す".
- 201110559-V translation "打勝つ".
- 201110559-V translation "打破る".
- 201110559-V translation "打負かす".
- 201110559-V translation "撃ち破る".
- 201110559-V translation "渡".
- 201110559-V translation "渡過".
- 201110559-V translation "破る".
- 201110559-V translation "討ち破る".
- 201110559-V translation "討破る".